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Moodfit as a Therapy Companion

About Therapy

Therapy (formally psychotherapy or talk therapy) is the process where a therapist works directly with a client using one or more techniques in order to help the client deal with mental health challenges. Therapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-being. There are different types of therapy including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

In the therapy process you as the client meet with your therapist on a regular interval, e.g. once a week or once every few weeks depending on need and availability.

Moodfit can be a great companion to the therapy process

In particular, Moodfit can:

• Provide the tools to do any "homework" your therapists suggests including mood and gratitude journals, breathwork, mindfulness meditations, and CBT thought records.

• Provide a way to track lifestyle variables that your therapist wants to better understand including your sleep, nutrition and exercise.


• Help you keep summaries of your therapy sessions including how you felt about the sessions, what you learned, and any homework that was suggested.

• Create reminders to reinforce particular ways of thinking suggested by the therapist. Such reminders show up throughout the week as notifications. For example, a reminder like "Thoughts are nothing more than words." or "Focus on responding versus reacting."

• Generate summaries of your activities between sessions that you can easily share with your therapist via SMS or email, or simply show during sessions on your device. These summaries can include homework activities, charts showing your mood, and lifestyle variables like sleep and nutrition. This information can be valuable to help your therapist help you.

Screenshots of Moodfit features.

Therapy activity screen.
Customizable reminders.
Chart showing mood versus sleep.

To make your therapist aware you're using Moodfit you can copy/paste the following into an email:


Hi... I wanted to let you know I'm using Moodfit which provides mental health tools that can compliment our work together. You can learn more about Moodfit here, Moodfit provides subscriptions that therapists can provide to their clients. 


If you have any questions about how to use Moodfit as a companion to therapy, please send us an email. If you're a therapist, click here.

Moodfit is a self-help product and should not be considered medical advice. You should follow your therapist's recommendations regarding the use of Moodfit.

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