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Getting Started


To get started with Moodfit you first want to setup your daily goals and your reminders (notifications).

Daily Goals:

When you first create your account you’ll be given a set of default daily goals. If you want to customize your daily goals, go to the Home Screen, and select “edit” in the Daily Goals section.


Once there you can select how many times you want to try each goal each day. Any custom activities and medications that you create will also show up in this list as potential daily goals.

Reminders / Notifications:

When your account is created you’re also given a set of default reminders. These reminders show up on the app’s Home Screen and are also sent as system-level notifications. Using the Reminders tool (go to Tools > Reminders) you can select what the reminders should be and when they should be delivered. Themes are also given that provide a group of reminders oriented toward that theme, e.g. “Calming” or “Distorted Thinking”.


The idea is that good daily practices and messages can create change. Every few weeks we’ll ask if you want to change your goals and reminders in order to keep them fresh so your brain doesn’t adapt to them and lose their impact.

After your daily goals and reminders are set you can begin selecting and doing your goals from your Home Screen.

Overview of Moodfit

Moodfit is based on the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.


That is, what you think influences what you feel (your emotions) which influences your behaviors. And that there is a relationship between each of these that can go in both directions. For example, your thoughts can influence your behaviors and your behaviors can influence your thoughts.

Your thoughts, feelings and behaviors happen based on the wiring of your brain.


It often has taken significant time and experiences for your brain to be wired in a certain way. The good news is that this wiring can be changed (re-wired) with consistent repetition of good practices and messages. This is what Moodfit can help you do.

Moodfit’s features are broken into four main areas.

Tools: These are tools like mood and gratitude journaling, breathing exercises, mindfulness meditations and CBT thought records.


Daily Goals: Think of these as your workout for your mental health. Some goals may be the use of tools. Other goals may be lifestyle variables like your sleep or nutrition, or medications you take. The goal is to better understand what most affects your mood and in what way. 


Insights: We provide you summary reports and charts to help point out patterns regarding what brings your mood up and down.


Content: We provide you articles and tips on topics like dealing with procrastination and creating new habits.

Why Daily Goals?

Your Daily Goals are shown on your Home Screen. Think of them like daily exercises for your mental health.


There are two main reasons behind the use of daily goals:


Create momentum: When you accomplish a goal (including small goals) it creates momentum toward feeling empowered to accomplish other goals - a virtuous cycle. It's the frequency of creating this momentum that matters.

Perform good practices: The daily goals you do in Moodfit are a collection of simple, good practices for your mental health. They are bite-size goals to repeat daily that can change the wiring of your brain.


Can such bite-size goals really make a difference? Well, if you work on something and get only 1% better every day for a year, by the end of the year do you know how much better you would be?


37 times better


Little improvements repeated daily can add up to big changes.


Your daily goals can include different types of items including the use of tools like mood journaling as well as lifestyle variables like sleep.

To give you a little extra incentive we'll show you the % completion of your daily goals each day. However, please keep in mind that you're seeking progress not perfection.


Note that your daily goals are just a subset of all the activities you can do in Moodfit. That is, there are also tools and activities that you may not do daily, but that you still want to do sometimes.


If you have any questions about using Moodfit, send us an email. We genuinely love hearing from our users.

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